Hyundai Tucson: Suspension System / Tire Pressure Monitoring System

Alignment Repair procedures
Front Wheel Alignment     When using a commercially available computerized wheel alignment equipment to inspect the front wheel alignment, always position the vehicle on a lev ...

Components and Components Location
Components 1. Receiver2. TPMS Sensor3. TPMS Sensor4. TPMS Sensor5. TPMS Sensor ...

Other information:

Hyundai Tucson (LM) 2010-2015 Service Manual: BJ Boot Components and Components Location
Components 1. BJ assembly2. BJ circlip3. BJ boot band4. BJ boot5. Dynamic damper band6. Dynamic damper7. Shaft8. TJ boot band9. TJ boot10. Spider assembly11. Retainer ring12. TJ housing13. Housing circlip ...

Hyundai Tucson (LM) 2010-2015 Owners Manual: Low aspect ratio tires
Low aspect ratio tires, the aspect ratio is lower than 50, are provided for sporty looks. Because low aspect ratio tires are optimized for handling and braking, it may be more uncomfortable to ride in and there is more noise compare with normal tires. CAUTION Because the sidewall of the low a ...

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